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    Metafix Assorted Kit 150pcs

    Kerr Metafix Assorted Kit 150pcs

    matrice system for posterior region in kit

    Brand: Kerr
    Article number: 3604
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    Metafix Assorted Kit 150pcs165,57 EUR

    Target price only, therefore it's not orderable directly.
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    Metafix Assorted Kit
    The All-in-One MetaFix matrix, with the innovative integrated tightening/opening system, is the perfect solution for Class II  MO/OD/MOD composite fillings in the posterior area.

    Unique and Fast Application/Removal:
    -Integrated clamping system for easy and stable tightening
    -Integrated release mechanism for fast and simple removal
    -Ring matrix band 0.038 mm for stable placement without distortion through tight intact contact points
    -No additional tools, disinfection or cleaning needed

    Easy Creation of the Contact Point and of an Anatomic Restoration:
    -Contoured shape for perfect contact point control
    -Anatomical design suited for better cervical adaptation and cavity depth
    -Three sizes available for better marginal adaptation to any posterior tooth (premolar/molar)
    -No overhangs nor extensive finishing needed
    -Light matrix system for excellent patient comfort and better visibility of the working area

    Metafix Assorted Kit - 150 pcs
    (50/Small, 50/Medium, 50/Large)


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