VOCO Futurabond DC SingleDose 50 pcs.+ accessories
Price (Gross):125,80 EUR125.8034096831
Light-curing self-etch-bond reinforced with nano-fillers.
Brand: VOCO Temporarily out of stock
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VOCO Futurabond® NR
Light-curing self-etch-bond reinforced with nano-fillers.
Direct restoration of all cavity classes with all light-curing
restoratives (especially nano-composites)
Treatment of dentine hypersensitivity
- Excellent adhesion to dentine and enamel
- Durable marginal integrity
- Moisture-tolerant
- Easy and fast application
- one-coat, one-cure technique
- Universal for all light-curing restoratives
- Ideal for paediatric use
- Contains fl uorides
- No refrigerated storage needed
VOCO Futurabond® NR SingleDose 200 pcs., accessories
Price (Gross):125,80 EUR125.8034096831
Price (Gross):434,90 EUR434.89837953198
Price (Gross):147,53 EUR147.53207434797
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